Take back your time. 

Join an exclusive 4 week mentorship with Marina

pre-recorded so you can watch on your time.


You're already balancing 20 plates and adding one more "yes" may just topple down everything you're working so hard for. You feel too overwhelmed to ask for help, don't know where to start, you're tired from inconsisent income, and constantly living in reactive state. I've been there! *Whoo-sah.* 


Most time management trainings are bandaid fixes and don't serve long term solutions for your family. Will you ever be able to catch a break?

This course was recorded in january 2023 and perfect for a business reset any time you need it!


If your scroll looks anything like ours, success influencers keep preaching to do more, be on more platforms, post 12x a day, millionaires have 7 streams of income, yada yada... HOW IN THE WORLD?! Screw that! Flip the script and discover the boundaries you need in order to really unlock how to fully "clock out" and rest.

is this you? 

You justify answering calls at 10pm or texting with clients until midnight. 

You feel the constant pull to have your phone out during the time that's supposed to be "quality" with your spouse and family.

You really struggle telling other people “no” out of worry you're disappointing them, and then instantly regret your eagerness to say “yes”. 

You believe there's a better way to managing your schedule and carving out time for yourself, but no matter how much you've attempted at trying, nothing actually changes. 

In order to change your quality of life and feel like you are in control over whatever version of balance looks like- it starts with getting real with your life today. It's time to take a proactive approach to your calendar and improve it by learning the key concepts that work not just for Marina, but numerous other high producers. Admit it, you can only go so far on your current path and you'll need to make some room for a few more friends to help you get to the next steps in your success journey. I'm not reinventing the wheel here people, but I have organized the best tools and systems to help you implement not just what sounds good, but what actually works.

This is your moment.

Feel supported by family. Get really proud of the work you do in the time you do it. Give yourself permission to do what you need most when you need it.

"My first year in real estate was definitely not as productive as I would have liked it to be. It wasn't until I joined Marina and her team that I realized how exciting real estate could be again. I have found that love and spirit that I once had for my career. The mentorship and guidance I've gotten by working with Marina has stepped my game up and in just a short few months I had my first closing with many more to come in the funnel as we speak. Working with Marina was the biggest game changer for me and I'm excited for my future to come! 

-Sam C., Hawaii Real Estate Agent

What am I getting?


30+ page workbook to guide us through each week = $1,150 value


2023 goal setting template = $200 value


List of 50 things to delegate = $100


Marina's timeblocking calendar template = $75


Access to our private facebook community = $ PRICELESS

Quick addition break... that totals up to a value of over $1,525! But I'd never charge an amount that makes it out of reach for those who need it most. For the price of a few target hauls and a week of coffee orders you can take your time back and start a new chapter.


 YOU COULD READ 20 BOOKS ON TIME MANAGEMENT,  throw random strategies at the wall and hope something sticks, risk no change at all, waste years trying to figure it out on your own... OR…

Tap in to Marina's 10+ years of entreprenurial experience

50+ personal development books read, 100's of podcast episodes listened to, top tier professional success coaching valued at over $10k etc vs $797 investment toward your future self.

move the needle

Invest in yourself and get the accountability and encouragement you crave. Running a business can be lonely! And with more of us working from home it can be even more tempting to wiggle our appointments to what feels convenient. Get the support to get. shit. done. 

drastically increase sales

Celebrate your success as you sit back and watch your business thrive. Learn the tools and scripts to create real boundaries your clients will respect you for. *ahem- you might even want to increase your prices! 




Here's the thing, you'll never have more time. We all have the same amount of 24 hours in a day as Beyonce, so yes, you will be expected to complete each of the 4 weekly live coaching calls if you choose to join us. You owe it to yourself! Even better? I'm going to teach you how to come up with a plan that gives you more time back instead of taking up time. Thank me after week 1!


Listen, I get it! The fact that you're already thinking ahead tells me we're more alike than you think! A relationship that talks money is one that will last, and an investment into your personal and business development is one not to be taken lightly! Try this: empahasize to them that what you're currently doing and have been doing is simply not working. You're on the brink of burnout but don't want to give up hope on your business. What could take months and unknown cost trying to figure it out on your own can be avoided with just 4 weeks mentoring with Marina. You need to learn from someone who's been exactly where you are right now, figure out what to avoid and what to focus on to really move the needle in your success with direct accountability. Tell them you'll be a better spouse because of it too! Time is one thing not on our side, and there's a 100% money back guarantee if what you discover does not improve your time, finances, and family for the better.


This course is pre-recorded from the live version. But you will have access to a private FB group. Marina will be there with questions, accountability, and inspiration anytime and she'll reply as soon as she's able each day. The best part of this opportunity is the ability to meet, connect, and collaborate with the other attendees who are taking the course with you. Expand your network and build your businesses TOGETHER with a private all access facebook group exclusive for those going through it. We are better together!

Bonus offer

Reserve your seat in the next 2 hours and get instant access to my scripts on 3 ways to say “no”. 

You don’t want to miss out, get a sneak peek into how using these lines can transform your freedom!

Marina Tolentino

55 real estate transactions her first 3 years

Head of Sales, Farris Team Hawaii

Director of Ops, Collab Agents

Owner, Tolentino Honey Co

Mom of 8 and 3 year old

Wife to a full time w-2 spouse

I couldnt trust anyone else out there- especially anyone without kids and running a successful business. I've read so many books and listened to other high producers out there but no one had compiled how to achieve peace with a work/life flow in a simple easy to understand way. It took me months of professional coaching and going through the weeds myself to simplify these systems and processes in a way that made sense without adding more to my plate.

No other mother or father should have to choose between a fulfilling career or being an intentional present spouse and parent. You can have both! You are in control. Own your calendar, own your life.

I haven't re-created the wheel for you. But I have compiled the best time management tools and systems paired with direct accountability and support from me to create real change. All you need is the desire to succeed and my proven system.

Here's what others are saying

"In an industry where its easy to get lost and overwhelmed starting out, I always feel like I have the resources I need, especially in the form of training and mentorship from Marina. The Core Values help me focus on being the best I can as a person and in my business and reaching my most important goals. - honestly I can't say enough about this opportunity.

Braedon P. 

“Hands down, the best investment in myself and my entrepreneur journey. I am new to the  entrepreneur world, and learning to balance life, work, and family. Marina has many years and expertise in running multiple businesses all while balancing life and creating an optimistic look on to the future. Her mentorship has help me not only succeed in my business mindset but also taught me how to dedicate my time and my efforts in a meaningful way for myself, my family and my business.”

Kristi L. 

Quit letting your dreams stay dreams

Make you a priority this year and invest in your future self.  Sign up now to access my program and propel your business and life forward.


break it down 

Mentoring: A mentor is someone who shares their knowledge, skills and/or experience, to help another to develop and grow. 


Coaching: A coach is someone who provides guidance to a client on their goals and helps them reach their full potential.


AKA as a mentor Marina can share her own personal life and business experiences with you to encourage you to apply lessons to your own struggles. 

A coach on the otherhand, asks really great questions to help you discover your own answers and reflect. 

Both serve as accountability partners and motivation to achieve your dreams. Mentorship is directive and instructional, and coaching raises awareness and provides feedback.